Creating Lasting Memories at the GSI Retreat


The Good Soil Industries Retreat held this past month was a truly memorable experience. It all began eight years ago when Jim Tanis invited our team to join his church retreat at Bethany Church. Over time, this gathering evolved into the GSI Retreat that we know today. We have found that having a retreat for our team at the end of spring each year allows us to pause, recharge, and reset before the demanding summer months when our workload intensifies and the weather becomes hotter. Taking this time to reconnect with one another in a relaxed and enjoyable environment helps us approach our work with renewed focus and dedication.

During this year's retreat, we had the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities. We explored the outdoors by camping, going off-roading, visiting hot springs, and fishing. We also indulged in friendly competition through games, like bocce ball and corn hole, which sparked entertaining tournaments. All these activities further enhanced our bond as a team and allowed us to see one another outside the context of work, providing a unique opportunity for us to connect on a personal level. For instance, the GSI participants who attended the retreat had a good time joking around with their Employment Case Manager, saying that this was the first time they have seen him smile, because the only other times they have seen him is at work where he is focused on his responsibilities. Our time in the mountains together gave our team’s Employment Case Manager a chance to reveal a more lighthearted side, which was fun for everyone.

Most of those who joined us on the retreat were first-timers. They thoroughly enjoyed their time and added a fresh dynamic to the group. One of them was initially reserved and quiet, hardly speaking more than ten words throughout the trip. However, as time progressed, he became comfortable and open with the group. When we reached the hot springs, the team encouraged him to jump in, and to everyone's delight, he mustered the courage to take the plunge. From that point forward, his demeanor changed. For example, during our hike in the mountains, he initiated a lively snowball fight, bringing laughter and joy to the entire team. Witnessing this GSI participant come out of his shell was a testament to the power of camaraderie and the positive impact the retreat had on individual growth.

When reflecting on the retreat, each team member had their own highlight. For our Employment Case Manager, it was witnessing the reserved GSI participant’s transformation and seeing him embrace the spirit of the retreat. For our Director of Good Soil Industries, the most cherished aspect was watching the team bond with one another. He emphasized the absence of hierarchical roles during the retreat, where bosses and employees were on equal playing fields. Both team members eagerly look forward to the next retreat, already anticipating the opportunity to create more memories and strengthen their connections.

The Good Soil Industries Retreat truly exemplifies the importance of taking time away from work to nurture relationships and foster personal growth. It not only brings joy and camaraderie to our team but also enhances our ability to serve our clients with renewed energy and dedication. As we move forward, the memories and experiences from this heartwarming retreat will continue to resonate within us, reinforcing the bonds that make us a strong and unified team.

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Caitlin Gustaff