"First Thing First" Prayer Service for Schools

Please continue to keep our schools in prayer this complicated season.  Our dear friend, Pastor Mosheh from By the Book, is hosting the 11th annual "First Thing First" prayer service for schools on Thursday, August 13th.  There are options to join virtually or in person.  Feel free to share your prayers below in the comments.

BUSD First day of school Prayer 2020.JPG

Here are some things to pray about from Pastor Mosheh:

1. Pray for those that have anything whatsoever to do with our schools to stop, look, and listen to their hearts so that they’ll sincerely seek to do everything they can to help our schools and nothing at all to hurt them. 

2. Pray that we will all acquire a higher desire to treat one another the way we desire to be treated if the situation were reversed and that the "Golden Rule" is exercised in every school (Mt.7:12).

3. Pray that everyone that affects, or is affected by what takes place in our schools will offer the appropriate amount of cooperation, consideration, and collaboration to promote the health, safety, and welfare of all concerned. 

Caitlin Gustaff