KCB Volunteer Spotlight: Stephanie Reade

Stephanie is one of our hard working volunteers who strives to provide holistic care and support to those in need. She volunteered with Kingdom Causes Bellflower several years ago and came back as an MSW intern in 2019. During her internship, she and her supervisor, Becky Vanderzee, noticed a need for retention support for neighbors who were newly housed. They worked together to develop the Housing Support Group to provide a space for neighbors to learn together and share their experiences with one another. She shares the impact of the group, saying:

The group has been more than a support group. Connections have been made that have led to friendships. Retention support is so important for those who are housed. They face new challenges, and support groups are a key piece to helping our neighbors sustain permanent housing.

Stephanie is excited to have played a role in the development of the group and to now be facilitating the meetings. We are beyond grateful for her and the hard work she’s put into this group. Read our interview with Stephanie below to learn more about her work with the Housing Support Group and how you can help!

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What typically happens at the Housing Support Group meetings?

Dinner is provided at the start of the group. This allows the participants to chat and either get to know one another or catch up. The group then moves into conversation that is usually driven by the group which includes sharing challenges, goals, and gratitude. We also have guest speakers.

What is your favorite part about leading the Housing Support Group?

I value all that I have learned from the group participants. They have taught me so much and I feel privileged to be welcomed into their lives and to hear their stories.

What is one of your favorite moments from a Housing Support Group meeting?

Recently, the group collectively said they feel they are well adjusted and want to be able to support other people who have been housed because they know the challenges that come with housing. They talk about goals of doing advocacy work and outreach. I have seen so much growth in the group and this statement made realize how valuable the group sees themselves. They are recognizing their strengths and owning their stories.

What is something you have learned from our neighbors while leading the Housing Support Group?

Change is always possible, especially when your community supports you.

How can the community support our recently housed neighbors and the Housing Support Group?

The Housing Support Group always appreciates dinner that can be donated. We also welcome guest speakers who can provide resources and education for our participants.

If you’d like to sponsor a meal or be an educational guest speaker for the Housing Support Group, contact our team at volunteer@kcbellflower.org.

Caitlin Gustaff