"Show Them Jesus" - Jeudy Mom

Let this truth sit in your soul: YOU can help the world see God. Our world has a yearning for moments of unexplainable truths, calling them to our amazing Father in heaven. Apostle John speaks of the power of visible love in 1 John 4:12. Through your acts of unexplainable love, God is seen.

Take a moment to dream with me. Imagine if all of the churches in your city are unified to serve and participate in acts of love for the community together. Not just a single ministry, a select few leaders or volunteers, but every single church in your city. Hundreds of churches, creating a unified front against the evil forces that oppresses our youth, widows, and the most vulnerable.

During this Lenten season, let us start with ourselves. May we seek unity with Jesus. May our churches be unified in loving and caring for our congregations. May we step forward and join in unity of the community. Let us participate together as believers of the same gospel, united against the social ills of our city. When unity is present, the world will look at The Church and see believers serving the city with an unexplainable love, then the world will see God.


  • Confess and repent our our actions that creates division in the Church and community

  • Receive forgiveness and grace for our past

  • Step in the acts of unity building within the church and into the city

1 John 4:12 “No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.”

About the Author: Jeudy is the Director of The Compton Initiative, a non-profit organization that mobilizes thousands of volunteers to complete volunteer projects in Compton. Jeudy and his wife Shea has been married for over 4 years and live in Compton.

Caitlin Gustaff