"Living an Intentional Life" - Larry Fries

Who then is this Jesus that the Church calls the Lord? Recently I did an informal survey of a few friends and acquaintances by asking this question: "What does John mean when he says: "Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God?"" A veteran missionary friend immediately began to explain what it meant in a clear and direct manner. My Generation-Y friend was not as confident and direct, but nevertheless knew what it meant and clearly understood the main points. However, some of the others did not seem to know what to say, or where to begin. Now I am not saying, nor do I mean to imply that they are not born of God, but, at the very least, something is amiss if churched people do not understand what it means, nor even why it is as important as John says it is. (1 John 5:1; John 20:31) Also, there is more to it than just having the right answer. Why? Simple. I need to know why Jesus is The Christ, and be convinced that it is true, in order to believe it deep down in my soul. So, if I am going to be like Jesus, then at the very least I need to really know who He is first, and also why it is important for me to know.

I also found it is common to hear unchurched people say how much they admire Jesus' teachings and how much better the world would be if everyone would just practice loving others the way Jesus taught. Of course, I agree it is true, thus I assume if you are reading this, that you also love civilization rather than anarchy and chaos. I know I do. Here's the thing, if I know what it means that 'Jesus is The Christ', then I should know what it means 'He is The Lord of all'. It's not just His title either because it implies so much more. Furthermore, a question that begs to be answered is: How can I admire the teachings of Jesus about love and at the same time ignore His teachings about obedience? He did say: “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?" (Matthew 7:21; Luke 6:46) So not only do I need to know who Jesus is, I also need to know what He is about. It's foolish for me to call Him Lord and still not obey Him. And it should go without saying: 'How can I obey Him if I don't even know what He said?'

When Jesus began His ministry He revealed He was The Christ by the prophecies He fulfilled. And this one was also His personal mission statement: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” (Luke 4) Since Jesus is The Christ and my Lord, then His personal mission statement should also be mine. Now if I don't know what 'Jesus is The Christ', means then I probably don't know what His mission statement means either. But if I do know, then this devotional should nudge me to continue the ministry of Jesus throughout my life by my actions and deeds.

Jesus expects all true believers to be intentional disciple-makers. This is what it means for Him to be 'Christ The Lord'. If we believe He is, then we are a priesthood of believers. (1 Peter 2:9) Thus, we should already be aware that the Holy Spirit is prompting us to live out our calling. Probably most of us have been discipled in the knowledge of God's word and doctrine. For this reason our level of discipleship is often measured by our level of the knowledge of God's word--or maybe something less. Sadly, many of us do not act upon what we already know. Instead we have buried our talents somewhere 'safe' where it has no impact on anyone. (Matthew 25: 14-30) Also, I need to clearly realize, I can't hire someone to do what I am supposed to be doing myself, and then in the future expect to be rewarded for all of Eternity for someone else's action.

For some of us, our knowledge of Scripture gives us our identity in Church, instead of our obedience to Jesus. However, He said: "If you love me, you will keep my commandments". So true discipleship is measured by obedience and practicing what we have learned. It does not merely mean keeping, observing, or retaining knowledge for the sake of our identity. Rather it is for the sake of action that we Hear, Learn, and Obey! Therein lies the meaning! Also, the very heart of the Great Commission is for us to Go and teach people to Obey Everything that Jesus commanded. (Matthew 28;18-20) Nothing more and nothing less.


  • Me/us to find answers to my/our own questions, doubts and fears, so that I/we can find my/our identity in Jesus The Christ of God and not in anything else. 

  • Help so that my/our obedient action matches my/our more than adequate knowledge of Scripture.

  • For God to open my/our/the church's eyes and give me/us courage, kindness and wisdom to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community connections and networks of influence. Lord please, we would do what you want us to do: to bring the Good News of Hope, Peace, Joy, Reconciliation, and Salvation to the most marginalized people within our reach, and furthermore to meet their most heartfelt needs.

Matthew 7:21 “‘Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.’”
Luke 6:46 “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”
Luke 4
Matthew 25: 14-30

About the Author: Larry Fries has lived in Bellflower since 1953 and has raised his family there. He’s been involved with KCB since it began.  

Caitlin Gustaff