Farewell, Chrissy!


Today, we bittersweetly celebrate Chrissy’s last day at KCB with a video of her journey at our organization and with notes from the staff and board that share what we’ve appreciated about her.

Video made with love by previous KCB staff member, Manny Salgado

  • During the last 5 years while on the KCB Board I have had many meetings with Chrissy and a few things stood out - she always seemed to have a smile on her face, she was always well prepared, and she was always passionate about KCB and its work!  Chrissy is a strong Christian who wears her faith on her sleeve and shows great compassion and empathy for those KCB serves.  She is a saint and KCB will greatly miss her! - Keith (Board) 

  • One word that comes to mind when I think of Chrissy is “Stability.” – Todd (Staff)

  • I appreciate the work Chrissy has put in over the years and all the love and compassion that she has poured into some of our neighbors. She has taught me so much about being patient and kind and going the extra mile. - Ashley  (Staff)

  • When I think about Chrissy, I think of leadership, compassion, joyful, hardworking, determined, patient, and funny! Chrissy is a unique person in that she selflessly gives her time to those that need it the most and pours her heart and soul into what she does. She has made and continues to make a difference in so many people's lives. ❤️ - Giselle (Staff)

  • I want to thank Chrissy for being so welcoming and accessible. I love that she treats the interns like a regular member of the team. I am very grateful I got to work with her for my short time KCB. - Ali (Intern) 

  • Chrissy’s heart is too big to adequately capture in words. She loves her team, volunteers, community members, and the neighbors they serve so well and with all of herself. She is the epitome of relational with an authenticity that leaves me, more than anything, grateful to call her my friend. - Amanda (Board) 

  • For the voiceless, powerless, and vulnerable; for the least of these, we say thank you, Chrissy. - Pastor Mike and Sheila Larsen (Board)

  • One word that comes to mind when I think of Chrissy is “Longsuffering.” – Matt (Staff)

  • I remember working with Chrissy back in the very early days of Kingdom Causes.  She was always cheerfully and enthusiastically pouring her heart into the lives of young people in the Eucalyptus neighborhood.  In her current role as ED, she has exhibited such wise management, compassionate leadership and quiet strength.  We have been so blessed to have her. - Teri (Board) 

  • In the last year, my deep appreciation and admiration of La Jefa Chrissy has grown so much. She has given so much of her time, energy and love into KCB and seeing all that she carries blows me away. Her compassion is endless, and her heart has created a lasting legacy at KCB. - Marley (Staff)

  • One word that comes to mind when I think of Chrissy is “Spirited.” – Stephanie E. (Staff)

  • Chrissy brings so much joy and thoughtfulness to our office. Her passion for others and her work is truly an inspiration. It's been a pleasure working with Chrissy. - Aurora (Intern)

  • I so appreciate not only how thoughtful and passionate Chrissy has been as our director but also how caring and compassionate she has been as my landlord. She provided a culture and atmosphere for me to have a sense of belonging, comfort and feeling of home living on the Margaret's House property as well being a part of the KCB team. - Leena (Staff)

  • Chrissy, I am truly honored to know you. You are an amazing inspiration to me, and you are blessed with kindness, support and love for other. Thank you allowing me to know you! - Stephanie B. (Staff)

  • She is a true follower of Jesus, kind, compassionate, prayerful, leads by example, a woman of integrity, looks for the best even in dire situations, a grace filled listener, humble, encouraging, willing to hear and implement other's ideas, a mature leader that is willing to continue her growth. - Kim (Board) 

  • Thank you for carrying your Cross with dignity and compassion and love for the sake of the least and the downtrodden. You have lifted up the Banner of Christ and proclaimed liberty and justice for our neighbors. Looking forward to many more years of friendship with you. - Dan C. (Board) 

  • I am thankful for this time we had to get to know one another. It has been a pleasure knowing you, and you always lift my spirits with a big smile on your face 🙂 - Larry (Staff) 

  • Chrissy is a pleasure to be around. She is always joyful. Thank you for always being supportive of us. - Ray (Staff) 

  • LA JEFA!! I love her compassion for what we do and her belief in me. Thank you, Chrissy. - Gene (Staff) 

  • The first time i met Chrissy was during the Pandemic. My wife and I had just moved to Bellflower and she was super gracious to meet with both of us. I remember tearing up during our conversation as I heard her share her heart for the community of bellflower, her vision for KCB, and how she believed KCB and the church could partner and work together. Not gonna lie I tested up a few times because I felt a sense of home in her presence and at KCB. That’s what i appreciate about Chrissy is how she makes people feel welcomed and at home around her. It’s such an incredible gift and I’m excited for how she is doing to continue to use this gift as she steps into her next season in life. - Chris (Board) 

  • Prays like it's up to God, works like it's up to her. - Javvy (Staff)

  • There’s nothing I admire more about Chrissy than her heart. She has a beautiful heart for the Lord, her family, her community, her staff, and her neighbors. I feel so blessed to have worked under her leadership, to have learned from her, to have laughed with her, and of course, to have enjoyed her mom’s awesome cooking whenever she brought it into the office 😉 Chrissy, thank you for everything. - Caitlin (Staff)

  • Chrissy has demonstrated to me what it truly means to love your neighbor and your city with the love of Christ.  Her positivity has been an anchor for me through the ups and downs of community-based work.  Her partnership has been a gift beyond what I could have known or asked for.  Her dedication to the values of KCB will be honored for years to come.  - Becky  (Staff)

Thank you for your 9+ Years of service at KCB, Chrissy!

Caitlin Gustaff