Luke: GSI Participant of the Month


Congrats to Luke for being awarded April’s GSI Participant of the Month! 👏🎉

Luke has been at GSI for about three months with around 200 hours of work. Luke has always been a hands-on person who enjoys the physical labor side of work. Gene, the Director of Good Soil Industries, shares:

He is a hard worker, reliable, and always willing to help out. Any time I’ve called him in to come an extra day, he is more than willing to help.

Luke’s work performance is greatly appreciated at GSI as he is always able to get the job done. He can start a task without any hesitation. He sets his mind on what he wants and never complains. Luke is also fun to be around. Our Employment Development Case Manager, George, describes Luke, saying:

He likes to converse a lot, and he always has something to talk about. He is very self motivated, and he knows exactly what he wants to do. He’s a go-getter.

GSI is glad to have Luke on the team and recognize his outstanding work ethic!

Support GSI participants, like Luke, by hiring the Good Soil Industries team for landscaping and lawn care services. Request a quote here!

Caitlin Gustaff