Hearts to Serve: KCB/OCCS Edition

Hearts to Serve

In a heartwarming display of compassion and partnership, Kingdom Causes Bellflower (KCB) recently partnered with OCCS - Orange County Christian School's 3rd grade class to pack hygiene kits for our neighbors! This collaboration was more than just an opportunity to provide essential supplies; it was a beautiful illustration of faith in action, teaching young hearts the joy and importance of serving others, while also getting the opportunity to learn a few things from them, too!

KCB has long been a beacon of hope for those in need. Our mission is deeply rooted in the themes displayed in the life of Jesus Christ, emphasizing belonging, compassion, and practical support for the vulnerable. We found that OCCS shared these same core values, with an emphasis on the lives of our young children, so when we had the opportunity to come together for the whole of the community, we knew it was all God!

The initiative began with a simple idea: to help our neighbors by creating hygiene kits filled with necessities such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, and uplifting messages. These kits would then be distributed to our neighbors in the Bellflower/surrounding areas, offering a small but significant gesture of care and dignity.

The excitement was evident as the 3rd graders gathered in their classroom, which quickly transformed into a bustling assembly line. Laughter and chatter filled the air as the students eagerly filled each kit with meticulous care (while others were not so gentle!). Under the guidance of their teacher, KCB staff, and a now KCB board member with lived experience, the students learned the value of each item they were packing and how it would benefit someone in need.

One student, Troy, shared, “I want them to feel God with them when they read this note!”

The children’s enthusiasm was infectious. They decorated each bag with colorful drawings and messages of hope and love, turning simple hygiene kits into personalized gifts of compassion. This hands-on experience was not just about assembling kits; it was about instilling a lifelong commitment to service and empathy in these young hearts.

A Story of Hope: DeeMarie’s Journey

Adding a powerful layer to the event was DeeMarie, a woman who had once experienced homelessness but has since been transformed by the love and mercy of Jesus, and is now an active community volunteer and KCB board member. DeeMarie’s story is a testament to the transformative power of faith and community support. She shared her journey with the students, recounting the struggles of living on the streets and the profound impact that small acts of kindness had on her life.

“When I was homeless, receiving something as simple as a hygiene kit with a bible verse made me feel seen and cared for,” DeeMarie told the students. “Now, I have a home and I get to give back to my community. What you’re doing today can change someone’s life, just like it changed mine.”

Her words resonated deeply with the students and staff alike, bringing a tangible sense of purpose to their efforts. DeeMarie’s story illuminated the real-world impact of their service, turning an abstract concept into a heartfelt reality.

Laughter, Fun, and Fellowship

Our time was filled with moments of joy and camaraderie. The children’s laughter echoed through the bungalow as they worked together, each kit representing a collective effort of love and generosity. Once the kids got the hang of it, the adults watched on with pride as the students embraced the spirit of giving, embodying the Christian principles they learn at school every day.

This partnership between KCB and OCCS was a shining example of what can be achieved when faith and action come together. Through this simple yet profound act of service, the students not only made a tangible difference in the lives of neighbors, but also learned invaluable lessons about empathy, compassion, and the power of community.

In the end, it was a time filled with faith, fun, learning, and heartfelt service, leaving a lasting mark on everyone involved. This packing party not only provided essential support to the homeless but also fostered a new generation of compassionate, service-minded individuals ready to make the world a better place.

Head over to our instagram to watch a video of the packing party! @kcbellflower

Javvy ToyosComment