Valuing Others Above Ourselves


Ellen and Hope stand in front of a couple bags and a bin full of clothes they received from the community to donate to Saturday Morning Breakfast and Showers.

A neighbor at Saturday Morning Breakfast and Showers looks through the fresh clothes donated by the community.

Imagine waking up one morning with no place to go, no one to talk to, and no idea where you'll get your next meal. It can be an unsettling thought for some while a challenging reality for others. Now, imagine walking into a warm and welcoming space where people are cooking and serving hot breakfast. There are showers and toiletries available for you to use, along with fresh pairs of clothes. You are greeted with a smile and a friendly conversation, and suddenly you feel seen, heard, and valued. This is what Saturday Morning Breakfast and Showers offers our unhoused neighbors.  

When our unhoused neighbors have a safe space to meet, they have a chance to connect with others in the community. They can share their stories, offer support, and form meaningful relationships. For some, this may be the only community they have while for others, it may be a stepping stone towards rebuilding their lives. 

In Philippians 2:3, the apostle Paul urges Christians to put others first, saying, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.” This is a radical teaching, and one that runs counter to the prevailing culture of our society. We are often encouraged to put our own needs and desires first. But Paul challenges us to embrace a different perspective, one that values others as equally important and deserving of respect and care. 

Saturday Morning Breakfast and Showers is one of the places where we can embody this teaching by showing kindness to our neighbors. Through volunteering, donating resources, or simply showing up to eat breakfast and chat, people from all walks of life can come together and build bridges of understanding and compassion. 

Help meet the biggest needs currently at Saturday Morning Breakfast and Showers by donating shampoo, sugar and creamer packets, and men’s and women’s jeans and underwear in all sizes. You can drop off your donations at the KCB office located at 16429 Bellflower Blvd. between 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday.

Caitlin Gustaff